Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > spirituality as welcome of Grace


Unveilings (No. 1) ~ Temple of Landscape

welcome to welcome

Dec 20, 2018

Saying For Today: All has gathered, a sacred amalgam, spaciousness for one timeless epiphany, like all, unlike any.

Temples are Everywhere

Any place, any where, at any time, can suddenly open up, like a door to the Temple, and out from the depths can pour forth the spirit of worship, an outpouring of a heart empty of self and filled with awe, moved with reverence to express a joy that only arises from below the veils of the surfaces. Any place, any where, where welcome replies to welcome, can become this awe-full place, where all dissonances converge into a harmony heavenly, right where one is in that moment on this earth. Temples are arising everywhere, but who sees? These Temples are not places, but revelations happening in places, from Grace to Grace.

* * *

I hiked up and down, and all around, the mountain, for an hour-and-a-half. At one moment well into a second trail, I stopped. Spontaneous worship. Temple of Landscape. Rite of tears and laughter, together, on the snowy slope. Here, no my life, no his life, no her life, no their life, no life of anyone. All has gathered, a sacred amalgam, spaciousness for one timeless epiphany, like all, unlike any. All this, snow, mountain, river, ice, trees, deer tracks, coldness, body, breath, sunlight, and more ~ ... yes tears, yes laughter, ... and silence.

always, everywhere more is present,
surfaces, veils of Depths

emptiness pregnant with
unutterable Fullness

reverence in tears
awe of laughter

breath to breath
Bliss to Bliss

each part, yes leaf almost buried in snow
an invitation to recognize, to feel an unseen

Presence that brought me here
to this world, and mountain

I find, again, I am shown
the less I am
the more Grace is

as now, this Meeting
moving beyond all called holy or unholy
untouched by ideas of secular and sacred

one Moving
Grace flowing freely and free of space and time

in fadeless Glory
but "God" is not here
God is and here appears, as always

* * *

the Rose
seen or unseen
is the Rose

the Rose
is the Rose
for appearing ~ Rose-ing

the Rose

the unseen
becomes the seen

who sees?

* * *

There is absolutely nothing we can do to part the veils of nature. We cannot bring Grace into our lives, in any way. Yet, if we do not provide a space for Grace, our lives will, despite contrary appearances, be graceless. We cannot love what we do not welcome, and Life never intrudes, only appears by invitation. This unseen Presence welcomes us, to be welcomed by us. Possibly, our ideas of what this Grace is ~ however we refer to it, in our different ways ~ is the greatest hindrance we face to living lives graceful, in union with Life. The Beloved seeks to disrobe us of all ideas of the Beloved, and in our nakedness to know Grace disrobed, that clothes Itself in surfaces, in forms, to seduce us to respond with love to Love. Wherever Grace appears, Grace already is. ... but who sees? to reply with "Welcome" to "Welcome"?

invitation to the joy of be-ing

*(C) Copyright 2018. Brian K. Wilcox. Photography by Brian K. Wilcox. Move cursor over photos for more details.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > spirituality as welcome of Grace

©Brian Wilcox 2025